Photo & Negative Scanning

Digitising old photos offers many important advantages, especially in the context of preserving and sharing your precious memories.
Here are some key points:

1. Preservation: Digital copies can ensure that photos are preserved for future generations. Physical photos can deteriorate over time due to factors such as light, heat, humidity and eaten by bugs. Digitising them can help protect your valuable memories from being lost forever.

2. Easily Shared: Digital photos can be easily shared with family and friends, regardless of their location. This means that loved ones who may live far away can still enjoy and relive those special moments.

3. Backup and Security: Digital copies can be backed up and stored securely, protecting them from unforeseen events such as natural disasters, fires, or accidents that could damage the original, physical copies of your treasured photos.

4. Enhanced Organisation: Digital photos can be easily organised and categorised, making it simpler to find specific pictures when needed.
This can save time and effort when searching for particular memories or events.

5. Restoration and Editing: Digital photos can be restored and edited to improve their quality or to remove any imperfections.
This can help rejuvenate old and faded photographs, making them look as good as new. This is another service that Jolt Media offers.

6. Space-Saving: Storing photos digitally can help save physical space in the home, especially if there are a large number of photo albums or boxes taking up valuable storage space.

7. Convenience: Accessing digital photos is convenient and can be done from various devices such as smartphones, tablets, and computers, allowing for quick and easy viewing at any time.

Photo & Negative Scanning

We utilise an Epson Perfection V850 Pro Scanner for all of our photo and negative scanning.

We can scan

  • Black & white photos
  • Colour photos
  • Glass plate negatives
  • Black & white emulsion negatives
  • Colour emulsion negatives
  • Slides – black & white and colour (Positives)
  • Glass Magic Lantern Slides (Positives)

Slide Scanning

Our parents and grandparents have hundreds, if not thousands of old slides from weddings, family holidays, special occasions etc.
But the problem with having them on slides is you cannot just go and take a look at them, you have to find the slides, setup the screen and projector and go through them. We went through and digitised a lot of our precious slides so that we can share them amongst the family so that everyone can enjoy them.

Below are two slide examples that we were able to scan and correct using Epson’s Digital Ice Technologies. This helped with restoring them to true colour, removing dust and general dirt and grime that gets attracted over the years from handling slides when they are getting put into the slide projector.

Slide Example Sizes

 There are a number of different sized slides that fit into a traditional slide projector which are listed below.
These can also have a cardboard or plastic case. All of the slides listed below, we can scan for you.

39mm x 39mm

35mm Slide Example

35mm x 24mm

27mm x 27mm

16mm x 12mm

Projector Slide Scan and Restoration

This is an old slide example that I have scanned and restored. It required some colour correction after scanning and some light fixes to the sky which had small dots through it, possibly from bugs.

Alice Springs Slide Scanned

Negative Scanning

Below is an example of the power of Epson’s Digital Ice Technologies corrections. The negative below has some yellowing as well as some scratches and dust on it. The program was able to colour correct  majority of the issues. After scanning we lightly edited a couple of minor scratches and pieces of dust out from the photo in Photoshop.

Glass Plate Negative Scanning

Below are some glass plate negatives in my collection that I have scanned and enhanced.
We are able to scan most sizes of glass plate negatives and have scanned up to 8.5″ by 6.5″ glass negatives.

Depending on the quality of the photo and the condition of the negative, We have been able to get them printed at A1 size.

Glass Magic Lantern Slide Scanning

These are basically early slides that everyone has come to know and love. They are made of glass and are quite durable but care must be taken with handling and preserving them.

They come in two different sizes, 4inch by 3 ¼ inch (Rectangle) and 3 ¼ x 3 ¼ inch (Square).
We can scan both size positives in a range of different resolutions.

Wide Magic Lantern Slide

4 Inch x 3 ¼ Inch

Square Magic Lantern Slide

3 ¼ Inch x 3 ¼ Inch

Colour Magic Lantern Slide Advertisement

3 ¼ Inch x 3 ¼ Inch

Square Magic Lantern Slide - Hand Coloured

3 ¼ Inch x 3 ¼ Inch

Magic Lantern Slide Digital Restorations

Below is a glass magic lantern slides which was originally hand coloured. This slides measures 820mm x 820mm.

The first example has only been scanned and all flaws in the photo and colouring have been kept. The second example has had some basic correction done to it and removal of some harsh paint lines and spots that were in the photo. We have also squared the corners off and filled them in using Photoshop.

Black and White Photo Scanning

We can scan all of your black and white photos from the tiniest photos right through to A2 in size.

To the right (or below if you are on a mobile) we have a general mixture of black and white photos that come from my private collection of old photos that I have collected throughout the years.

In the photos you will see that some have yellowed with age, this is easily corrected in the digital version of the photo and can be restored back to black and white if you desire. It all depends on what you want and how you want your family photos to look.

Below is an original black and white photo of my Grandfather and his army unit in WWII that we scanned. The first version has yellowed with age and has some imperfections in the photo. In the second version we have returned the photo to original black and white and adjusted the black and white levels back to true black and white. We have also corrected some of the imperfections in the photo which includes marks on the photo as well as dust and scratches on this 75+ year old photo.


Photo scanning
6 inch x 4 inch photos – $4.40 per photo.
Larger photos scanned at $11 per photo

Large Photo Scanning
Photos A2 in size $44 per photo.

Negative Scanning
35 mm negatives – $4.40 each photo.

Positive Scanning
Magic Lantern Slides – $11 each.

Slide Scanning
$4.40 per slide at 3200DPI.

Please note that photo scanning and photo restoration are two separate services.
Photo restorations are quite time consuming and are quoted at $110 per hour.

Please note there is a $55 minimum spend.

Photo Restorations
We would need to individually assess each photo before giving a quote on how long it would take to complete.
Things that we take into consideration:

  • Sun Damage / Fading
  • Mis-storage / fold marks
  • Bug Damage / Eaten
  • Water Damage / Mould
  • How much of the photo is missing and how we could go about fixing it.

Some of our example photo restorations – Click Here

Charged at $110 per hour.

    Photo Colourisation
    We can take an old black and white photo that has been restored and colour it for you.
    This is particularly useful for parents and grandparent’s wedding photos, old portraits, etc.

    Note: We do not use the free colourisation software! These do not meet our high standard. Everything is done by skilled artists in photoshop.

    Charged at $110 per hour.

    Let’s Chat about having your photos or negatives digitised

    To find out more about having your old photos scanned please use the form to get in touch.
    Alternatively please drop me an email or give me a call to discuss options.

    Phone: 0409 066 247

    Contact Jolt Media

    1 + 1 =

    Important Bits

    At Jolt Media we believe in being cautious.
    This is why we have $20 Million public liability insurance cover.
    Google Street View Trusted Photographers accredited.
    Posess Victorian Working with Children Checks.

    $20 Million Public Liability Insurance Cover
    Google Street View Trusted Photographer
    Working with Children Check