Photo Restorations

Framed Photo Restoration

This photo was taken in 1909 in Ballarat.

As the photo has gotten older the paper that it was printed on has yellowed and turned this black and white photo into a sepia colour.
The photo wasn’t always behind glass either and has left the photo open to attacks from bugs and mishandling marks.

The photo on the right has been returned back to black and white and all of the imperfections have been removed from the photo which leaves you with a fantastic digital example of the photo that can also be printed.

Raw Scan - No corrections

Original Condition

Ballarat Freemasons Photo

Digitally Restored

Glass Negative Restoration

This photo was scanned from an old glass negative in my personal photo and negative collection.
The photographer is Nathan C. White in America, a well known photographer.

The negative itself was in quite good condition with only a small amount of damage on the negative itself which was easily corrected out of the photo in Photoshop. There was also some writing up the top of the photo which related to the photo shoot itself.

Ballarat Freemasons Photo

No corrections

Raw Scan - No corrections

Digitally Restored

Damaged Photo Restoration

This photo was taken in 1969 at a staff farewell for Ronaldson Bros. & Tippett in Ballarat.
It has had years of neglect and has been eaten by some bugs whilst being in storage.
It took quite a lot of patience to restore this image, particularly around people heads, faces and clothing.

I have also added in the Ronaldson Tippett logo and the farewell party for John Tippett.

Raw Scan - No corrections

Original Condition

Ballarat Freemasons Photo

Digitally Restored


As photo restoration can range from an hour to many hours of work it is best to contact us for a quote on getting your old photos restored.
We can also work it as a package deal to scan your photo or negative and then restore it to its former glory.

All photo restoration work charged at $110 per hour.

Let’s Chat about having your photos or negatives digitised

To find out more about having your old photos scanned please use the form to get in touch.
Alternatively please drop me an email or give me a call to discuss options.

Phone: 0409 066 247

Contact Jolt Media

11 + 10 =

Important Bits

At Jolt Media we believe in being cautious.
This is why we have $20 Million public liability insurance cover.
Google Street View Trusted Photographers accredited.
Posess Victorian Working with Children Checks.

$20 Million Public Liability Insurance Cover
Google Street View Trusted Photographer
Working with Children Check